
At the Hub we aim to provide organisations with independent advice, news and information on UK energy efficiency and carbon reporting legislation. Stay up to date with SECR, ESOS and other mandatory compliance schemes here.

EU Anti-Greenwashing Laws For UK Businesses Abroad

EU anti-greenwashing legislation is coming; but are UK businesses operating in Europe up to...

Globally, the trend towards anti-greenwashing is hastening. For UK business as a whole, this has to be a good thing. After all, greenwashing by...
Key points to remember when filing your year-end SECR report

Key points to remember when filing your year-end SECR report

Roughly 11,300 UK businesses are in scope of the government’s Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting scheme (SECR). It is mandatory for any companies listed...
New carbon reporting mandate for large NHS suppliers

New mandate: Large NHS suppliers must publish a Carbon Reduction Plan

Starting from April this year, NHS suppliers will be required to publish a Carbon Reduction Plan (CRP) if their anticipated contract value is above...

Business insider: Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive

As of 5 January 2023, large and listed companies in the EU must align with the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD). The new directive...
Sustainability Disclosure Requirements (SDR): where are we now?

Sustainability Disclosure Requirements (SDR): where are we now?

The Sustainability Disclosure Requirements (SDR) regulation is a key part of the UK government’s strategy to use the finance sector as a driver for...
Are REGOs enough to cover Scope 2 emissions?

Are REGOs enough to cover Scope 2 emissions?

The conversation around Scope 2 emissions – those from purchased energy – is changing. Businesses that have to carry out reporting on their emissions...
UK ETS: Carbon allowances will be cut to lowest level ever in 2024

UK ETS: Carbon allowances will be cut to lowest level ever in 2024

In a decisive move towards achieving net-zero emissions, the UK Emissions Trading Scheme (UK ETS) is set to impose stricter emission limits on power,...
Launch of gold standard for corporate net zero transition plans

Launch of gold standard for corporate net zero transition plans

The government’s Transition Plan Taskforce (TPT) has published its official guidance for climate transition plans. The TPT Disclosure Framework sets out best practice for...
TPT’s gold standard for climate transition plans: what it means for UK businesses

TPT’s gold standard for climate transition plans: what it means for UK businesses

We asked Philip Richards, Head of ESG at Sustainable Energy First, what the recent guidance on climate transition plans means for UK businesses in practice.
If your business trades in the EU, you will need to comply with the changing rules. Businesses with no connection to the EU still need to comply with the UK’s own anti-greenwash rules, which are becoming stronger.

The Green Claims Directive: what do UK businesses need to know?

In January 2024, members of the European Parliament voted overwhelmingly in favour of adopting a directive to improve product labelling. This is intended to support the forthcoming Green Claims Directive, often dubbed the anti-greenwashing legislation.