Net Zero

“Net zero” means achieving a state where the greenhouse gases (GHGs) emitted do not exceed the gases being removed from the atmosphere so that the overall balance is zero.

Essential news articles covering climate change, net zero and carbon emissions from the writers of Energy Advice Hub.

For a net zero solution, visit Sustainable Energy First’s website HERE.

How is COVID-19 shaping progress towards net zero?

What new policy progress on net zero has come since COVID-19, and what still needs to be done?

Net zero practical solutions: spotlight on LEDs

Energy efficiency plays an essential role in achieving net zero, and installing LED lighting is one of the quickest and simplest measures. Here’s what UK business needs to know.
Net zero

How will hydrogen help us get to net zero?

“Do we want to be part of this energy revolution? We could have this wonderful opportunity coming out of this COVID-19 crisis.” JCB heir Jo Bamford, speaking last month to hydrogen news service H2 View, was optimistic about the potential of hydrogen to transform UK transport.
Satellite image of earth. Net Zero

Do corporate net zero pledges stand up?

Any onlooker active within sustainability spheres will be all too familiar with the term 'greenwash'. It describes ill-conceived motives within corporates to capitalise on sustainability trends within their marketing, without truly seeking to deliver genuine sustainability.
10 ways to set a net zero target without greenwashing

10 ways to set a net zero target without greenwashing

As environmental sustainability becomes more important to customers and investors, more and more companies are publicly declaring their ambition to reach net zero emissions within the next few decades.
Climate risk reporting

Climate risk reporting: why businesses should prepare for more investor scrutiny

Climate risk disclosure, signals suggest, is of key importance for big business. But overall performance may not yet be up to par.
Carbon offsetting – can big business do it right?

Carbon offsetting – can big business do it right?

Carbon offsetting often carries a negative reputation. Should corporates seeking to achieve net zero simply steer clear completely?
What is a net zero carbon building?

What is a net zero carbon building?

Buildings and corporate estates have a huge role to play in reaching net zero in the UK. But does a true sense of a net zero building exist? And if it does, what must big business do to develop more of them?
The 5 first steps towards becoming a net zero carbon business

The 5 first steps towards becoming a net zero carbon business

A growing number of high-profile companies are setting themselves net zero targets, from food giant Nestlé to Australian airline Qantas. Many are aiming to get there by 2050, but some, like supermarket Sainsbury’s, have set a more ambitious deadline of 2040.
November’s net zero highlights: Vodafone, Diageo and a 2040 roadmap for retailers

November’s net zero highlights: Vodafone, Diageo and a 2040 roadmap for retailers

Momentum on reaching net zero continues to gather pace, as more and more companies commit to ambitious emissions reduction targets.